‘Why is it so difficult to introduce Quality improvements?’ ‘Why is the Return On Investment often so poor?’ ‘At times, getting staff to follow the latest Quality ideas can feel like swimming uphill’!
Senior managers look toward successful companies like Toyota, who place Quality at the centre of everything they do. They like what they see… They then try to copy what they see, in the shortest space of time…
What they end up with is what could be called Cargo Cult Quality. It looks okay, but something important is missing.
When it doesn’t work, the conclusion is often to add more controls, more procedures, more Quality tools. and more KPI’s.
And, when that doesn’t work, they add more KPI’s more controls, more procedures, and more tools and even more KPI’s.
The thinking seems to be, that it isn’t enough to just focus on Quality from the customers perspective. You must be able to ‘prove’ it to them. You must be accredited to ISO9000, you must have implemented Six Sigma, and ‘Lean’ too. Or you could go for the latest version where the last two are combined into something called Lean Six Sigma.
Does it work? Will it work? Will it make a difference? Will it make the real difference a company needs to pull ahead of the competitors… Mmm…
The answers lie ‘within’
If you have ever ‘searched for happiness’ and been taught that the ‘answers lie within’, this may give a clue.
Introducing someone else’s Quality initiatives without first considering how YOUR business operates, is like having a job to do around the house, and picking up a hammer before looking at what the job entails… Your chances of success are minimal.
Well instead of searching ‘out there’, how about looking within? In toward your own staff? Their knowledge, their passion, their creativity is just waiting to be given the go ahead… The answers they hold are waiting for you to find them!
Your Quality Culture awaits… You simply have to Awaken it!
‘The Book’ is now available to buy, in both A5 and A4 size!
It is also available for free as a PDF download!
Click on either of the images on the right to choose whether you want the A4 or A5 format, or head over for the free copy, where you will initially see an excerpt or two…
(Ok… Actually three excerpts!)
P.S. This website is undergoing continuous improvement and functionality was the starting point. It is important to me, for the site to look ‘friendly’, and avoid looking to much like other ‘dull’ Quality sites! I appreciate any and all suggestions! The highest Quality is achieved through working together, and remember…
Quality could, and should, be fun!
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